Darshan Academy

Students of Darshan Academy Ambala enthusiastically used their creativity to create spiritual booklets.
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Darshan Education Foundation felicitated all the State and CBSE National Award-winning educators of Darshan Academy, Delhi in a special event on 21 September 2021. The felicitation ceremony, “Cheers for Peers!” was organized on the outdoor school premises to honour the staff for their excellence in 
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Little wonders of Darshan Academy Ambala created eye-catching petal-shaped cards with 75 inspiring quotes by Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj.
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To mark the diamond birth anniversary of Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj, the staff and students of Darshan Academy, Lucknow wrote 75 uplifting quotes by Maharaj Ji on 75 petals, creating a beautiful artistic display and a memorable event.
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To mark the diamond jubilee of Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj, the students at Darshan Academy, Lucknow participated in a Story Writing Competition. The students, creatively, reflected on the virtues they imbibe through the Spiritual Curriculum education.
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Darshan Academy, Jalandhar, organized a poem writing competition at the primary level on the 100th birthday of Sant Darshan Singh Ji Maharaj. Students wrote poems on nonviolence,  the earth,  a vegetarian diet and a variety of other topics.
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“Meditation is a way to nourish and blossom the divinity within you.” For the celebration of Sant Darshan Singh Ji Maharaj’s birthday week, Darshan Academy, Devlali implemented 100 minutes of meditation. Each day started and ended with 10 minutes of meditation. Meditation is the habitual 
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Darshan Academy, Sundargarh is celebrating the 100th birthday of Sant Darshan Singh Ji Maharaj. To mark this occasion, the school held a Veggie Fest. Parents wearing aprons and cooking hats prepared beautifully decorated vegetarian dishes. They enjoyed this activity immensely and participated enthusiastically.
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To mark the centennial birthday celebration of the great mystic poet, Sant Darshan Singh Ji Maharaj, Darshan Academy, Delhi organized a special online art activity.  Students engaged in a hand printing activity and wrote inspiring quotes by the poet saint
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On the occasion of the centennial birth anniversary of the poet saint, Sant Darshan Singh Ji Maharaj, students took part in an online Mushaira and recited his poems with poise and expression. 
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" Rather than share with others a piece of your mind, share the peace of your soul."
- Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj