Darshan Academy

Best NCC Cadet of the Year in Maharashtra Region

Sharwari, Darshan Academy Pune alumni student of batch 2021-22, won the best NCC Cadet of the year in the Maharashtra Region.
The NCC Directorate Maharashtra won the prestigious PM’s Banner at Republic Day Camp 2024 for the 3rd year in a row. The Directorate Maharashtra contingent comprising of 122 Cadets won the Champions Trophy and the coveted Prime Minister’s Banner at the Republic Day Camp (RDC-2024) for standing first overall in addition to winning a rich haul of trophies and laurels/medals.


" Rather than share with others a piece of your mind, share the peace of your soul."
- Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj
Daily Tip


" Rather than share with others a piece of your mind, share the peace of your soul."
- Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj