Darshan Academy

Kruu Award Ceremony

 Darshan Academy Ambala has been honored with the prestigious Kruu Award, a significant recognition of our commitment to Project-Based Learning (PBL). This award highlights our dedicated efforts to not only make PBL accessible but also to ensure it has a profound impact on our students’ educational experiences. We are immensely proud to be acknowledged for our innovative approach and to be part of a community that prioritizes enhancing educational outcomes. This accolade reaffirms our commitment to fostering pioneering educational methods and strengthens our determination to continue leading the way in transforming student learning.


" Rather than share with others a piece of your mind, share the peace of your soul."
- Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj
Daily Tip


" Rather than share with others a piece of your mind, share the peace of your soul."
- Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj