Darshan Academy

Darshan Education Foundation Workshop, “Creating a Welcoming Environment”

Darshan Education Foundation organized an online spiritual curriculum workshop on the topic “Creating a Welcoming Environment” for all DA teachers on May 29, 2021.  MC, Ms Anjali Keshwani welcomed everyone with an overview. All the academies participated in an ice-breaker game initiated by DA Pune, followed by a heartfelt, uplifting video talk by DEF founder chairman, Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj and meditation.  A welcoming environment was created by Ms Suzanne as she shared views on how to cultivate happiness at school. This was followed by DA Delhi’s presentation on some activities to motivate students and create a positive classroom environment. Dr Indu Arneja, gave a helpful discourse on managing stress, staying positive, motivating students and communicating with parents. DA Meerut and Ludhiana highlighted useful best practices on the topic. All the academies were given the chance to share their views and ask questions. The session ended with enlightening words from the MC. It was an advantageous workshop for one and all.


" Rather than share with others a piece of your mind, share the peace of your soul."
- Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj
Daily Tip


" Rather than share with others a piece of your mind, share the peace of your soul."
- Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj