Darshan Academy

Primary School

Darshan Academy’s Primary Wing has an excellent, holistic and comprehensive curriculum. Each student is encouraged to grow and flourish inside and outside the classroom. Inspiring lessons are structured to stimulate the child’s enthusiasm and interest for new ideas and skills.

Students advance in a supportive environment and are actively involved in the learning process. Communication and language skills are enhanced through many activities, such as brainstorming, independent reading, sight words, songs, poetry, role play, and student presentations.

  • Students engage with hands-on math lab puzzles and scientific material, making concepts easy and concrete to understand.
  • They develop a caring attitude towards the environment.
  • Lessons are designed for discovery and activity-based learning. Animated smart board modules help students grasp new concepts easily.

Classes are structured to nurture the curiosity and creativity of the child. Children learn to get along with each other and have respect for all, irrespective of differences. They learn to take care of our planet and all life. They also learn to make a positive contribution to the world and the value of helping other people. Students are taught basic manners and good health habits.


Our strategies

Case studies reflecting real-life experiences as a part of Personality Development projects, field trips, parents as guest speakers, peer tutoring, Roleplay, or skits are some of the other effective teaching methodologies used in our school. Games and hobbies are also given emphasis to encourage exploration of values, foster imagination, and develop physical and athletic skills.

To develop cognitive, psychomotor and effective skills
To make evaluation an integral part of the teaching learning process.
To emphasize thought process and reduce emphasis on memorization.
To use evaluation for improving students achievements and teaching-learning strategies on the basis of regular diagnosis followed by remedial instruction.